How to open the console in CS 2

09 September 2023, 22:47

Console – is a tool that allows you to access the hidden features of the game, which means that, having figured out how to open the console in kc 2, you will be able to customize the game to your needs without being limited to the options available through the main menu. Using console commands you can customize game modes, issue weapons in local matches, change the appearance of the scope and check network settings. Information about console commands will be useful for both experienced players and those who are just starting to master CS2.

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How to activate the console

To open the console in CS2, you must first activate it. To do this, go to «Game» in the settings menu and select the option «Yes» under «Enable Developer Console». After that, the console in CS:GO 2 can be activated at any point in the game by pressing the appropriate key.

How to open the console in CS 2

By default in CS2, as in many other games, the key «~», which is located in the upper left corner of the keyboard, is used to open the console. This is because it is rarely used for any other tasks and no matter what the player's keyboard settings are, it remains unoccupied. If you are not comfortable reaching for this key or often forget where it is, you can put the console opening on any other button. To do this, open the section «Keyboard and mouse», scroll down to the item «Console» and assign it any other value – as long as it does not overlap with other keys that you use.

How to open the console in CS 2 2

Sometimes to open the console in kc 2 is not immediately available. The fact is that Counter-Strike 2 is a beta version, which means that it can still encounter bugs. Their detection and elimination is one of the main tasks of closed-loop testing. Due to one of the bugs that remains unfixed for now, the console may stop opening even if the settings have been set as described above. To solve it, try different ways:

  • Turn the console on and off in the settings.

  • Change the key to enable the console, and then change it back to the one you want.

  • Reset the settings to the default state «» and set the settings again.

  • Select the English keyboard layout instead of the Russian one for the time of the game (on the Russian keyboard there is a letter Yo in the place of ~, and because of this some games do not recognize the pressing correctly).

In most cases, one of these methods helps to get rid of the bug and without problems open the console in kc 2. If you are among the small number of players who have already been given access to the beta version, bugs can get in your way often. In order not to set the settings again when you have to reset them, just in case, save them in the configuration file – it will automatically set the desired parameters in the game.

How to use the console in CS2


How to open the console in CS 2 3

As you can see, the order of actions that need to be performed to open the console in kc 2, is not very different from the previous version of the game. The layout of the settings remains exactly the same. However, some console commands may be different. For example, in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, many players gave importance to commands to change the tickrate, that is, the speed of communication with the server. In CS2, the network portion of the game has been heavily reworked to get rid of synchronization issues. Therefore, these commands may no longer be necessary.

In addition, some console commands may change their spelling, although their function will remain the same. So just copying settings from CS:GO will not always work – sometimes the game may not recognize the commands. To open the console in kc 2 and use it effectively for your purposes, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the lists of commands that are available on the Internet. They can be divided into several groups:

  • Optimizing the game, preventing lags and making the most efficient use of your computer's resources.

  • Improving communication and interaction in the team.

  • Improving the user interface.

  • Practicing certain aspects of the game, for example, in games with bots, on maps to practice quick aiming or other actions.

Thus, the console commands for CS:GO 2 will be useful to make the game as comfortable as possible. At the same time, do not pay too much attention to the optimization tools of the game: since CS:GO came out quite a long time ago, even the beta version, which uses a newer version of the engine, without problems goes on PCs of recent years.

However, many find it useful open the console in ks 2 and enter the command to limit the frame rate fps_max 0. If you leave 0 in it, FPS becomes unlimited and the game will use all available computer resources to maximize it. Some players prefer to limit it to a specific number, such as 60 or 144, taking into account the settings and characteristics of their monitor. And if there are connection problems, you can use the command net_graph 1, to display the network settings.


Here are a few more console commands that may come in handy for use in CS2 or CS:GO. To practice and get a better understanding of the updated versions of the maps, the noclip command, which allows the player to pass through walls, will come in handy. Of course, it can only be used in local matches after the cheats have been activated with the command sv_cheats 1. By opening the console in kc 2 and entering these two commands, you will be able to explore all corners of the maps and fully enjoy their updated graphics, which was added to Counter-Strike 2.

How to open the console in CS 2 4

In addition, for training will be useful commands to add bots for special forces and terrorists (bot_add_ct and bot_add_t respectively), as well as forcing them to stop (bot_stop 1) and take a ducked position (bot_crouch). To work off the final stage of the round, you can manually set any amount of time on the bomb timer (mp_c4timer with a numeric parameter that indicates the time in seconds).

Another reason to open the console in kc 2 – is the numerous opportunities to fine-tune the interface. For example, you can use hud_scaling with a parameter between 0.5 and 0.95 to change the scale at which its items are displayed. Depending on the size of your monitor, you can shrink the interface to minimize distractions, or enlarge it to make it easier to use the map. Completely remove the interface can be using cl_drawhud 0, but this command works only when activated cheats, so its main purpose – creating beautiful screenshots.

Change the parameters of the sight will help command cl_crosshairstyle with parameters from 1 to 4. Download the local map and look at the different sight designs to see which one you like best. You can also change its color (cl_crosshaircolor with parameters from 1 to 4), thickness (cl_crosshairthickness) and line spacing (cl_crosshairgap). Sight settings – a matter of individual preference, so you will need to try several options before you find the best one.

Having figured out how to open the console in kc 2, you can use many other commands. With them, you will make the game more comfortable for yourself, which means you can fully concentrate on defeating your opponent.

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