How to open cases in CS:GO

21 December 2019, 07:21

If you do not know how to open cases in CS GO, we will help you with a detailed guide, from which you will learn what it is, whether it makes sense, and for the sake of which boxes it is worth to bother, because it is not the cheapest. And all to blame for the very notorious keys, which you can not find by day with fire, even for a lot of money. 

Case — is an object that falls during a roll, which contains non-standard weapons, knives, or gloves. Or more simply put, — skins. Chests always refer to a specific collection of items, whether it's Operation «Bravo», eSports 2013 or Weapon Case. When you hover over a crate, you'll see a list of items that are guaranteed to fall out of it if you open it. Minimum rarity — army quality (dark blue skins), maximum — yellow (with an asterisk), ie very rare item like a knife.

When you collect from 10 skins of the same denomination (ie color) you can contract with Steam, where for a dozen skins will give one higher denomination. We have more detailed information about the rarity of items in this article.

How to open cases in CS:GO

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All ways to get cases in the game

Steam does not really share statistics about how cases fall out in CS GO, with what frequency, in what quantity, etc. Roughly speaking, the classic random, as with getting skins. There are several classic ways to knock out a precious (or not so precious) box, hiding a lot of loot:

  • The usual game on CS GO servers, protected by the built-in anti-chip VAC. The embedded security emblem ensures that the card is legal and the case is retrieved at the end of the rink. The main condition — to bring the game to the end, not to merge and not to leave the game. Otherwise you may get banned from your teammates for this;

  • Playing on IDLE servers. So-called «farm-servers», where the rolls last about 3-5 minutes, which greatly increases the speed of getting various drops, including crates;

  • Participate in various operations like «Vanguard». There is a fee for the method, as a combat pass for such events costs money. Each player gets access to a number of individual missions for which they will receive all sorts of goodies, random chests, and a campaign-specific briefcase (once a week). We recommend not to open them immediately, because rare and significant box can be sold through the trading platform Steam with a good profit. The main thing — is to wait for an increase in demand, as indicated by the pricing curve.

  • Purchase from a friend, or through the Steam community using the in-game trading system. It's as simple as possible: you make a request, the other player confirms it and you make a deal if both parties agree.

Here we're only talking about official options. You can try to get the chest for free, but here at your own risk, as they say.

How to get keys

So, you have already figured out how to knock out or buy cases in CS:GO. The least that's left — is to find the right key to open it. And if the boxes can be quite legally get for free with a certain amount of luck, keys will have to be obtained for real money, and this is not a cheap pleasure. 

The average cost of a lock pick starts at 200 or more rubles per piece, although more often the price passes 250-300 «wooden». Therefore, it makes sense to buy them only if a very expensive skin of pink or red dignity or a knife can fall from the case. 

How to open cases in CS:GO 2

Although we may have been a little bit overzealous about free keys. On thematic sites, forums and in various publicks, the administration periodically holds a drawing of freebies that everyone can get. Even if the chance is small, but the good old rule applies here: «more attempts — more opportunities». So participate, be active, show your interest and get a free case from CS:GO as a reward.

Important! For collectible cases like the same Operation «Bravo» universal key is not suitable, only compatible key. Its cost is even higher, and it is problematic to find them because of the unreasonably high cost. 

Can I open a case without a key

 Although «the ideology of» Steam does not imply keyless access to the depths of its boxes, it can be done, and quite legally. The other thing is that the action is done on third-party sites, not inside your inventory for CS:GO. There are tons of sites on the internet where you're offered for free, or for real money to blow up a couple or three units/twenty/hundreds of crates from any collection, including the most expensive and epic ones like eSports, Chroma, Gamma 2 and Hydra. Maybe now something even more top-notch has been released, but it is extremely problematic to keep track of everything.

The procedure is classic for such resources:

  • You register and authorize (only through Steam-platform and look carefully at the reviews on the Internet);

  • Make a deposit, which you want to spend;

  • Choose the collection you want, or a certain type of cases;

  • Spin roulette and hope for top loot;

  • Send your winnings to your Steam account;

  • Pick up, put on and enjoy a new model of your favorite assault rifle, shotgun or AWP. 

How to open cases in CS:GO 3

It is quite easy to get a freebie, if you have just visited the site for the first time and have not yet had time to deposit money. It is advisable to try your luck on major holidays or events like «Black Friday», a major tournament or before the New Year. Well, don't forget about promo codes, which are easy to get from top bloggers and streamers on YouTube.

Is it possible to create your own site with cases?

Many gamers are concerned about how to make money from cases in CS GO, how to sell them for maximum profit and so on. The logical option — is to create your own website, but here not everything is far from as easy as it seems. There are several reasons for this:

  • Programming knowledge is required (you can't get anywhere without it);

  • It is required to establish a smooth procedure of supplying real skins from Steam, preferably in bulk and in automatic mode.

  • Need to fine-tune the chance for each particular skin in the composition of the set or at random;

  • Possibility (or rather necessity) of legal authorization through Steam;

  • Setting up a bot to automatically trade and transfer items to the player;

  • Organization of an elaborate personal cabinet, where you can replenish the balance, withdraw skins, sell unnecessary goods, etc.;

  • The need to organize replenishment of the account with all modern cashless systems (at least the main ones like Visa/MasterCard/Qiwi/Yandex);

  • Creation of a field for real reviews. You decided to do everything as transparently and honestly as possible, otherwise you will be banned;

  • Ability to translate the site into Russian and English (audiences are not always from the CIS);

  • Ability to add/remove/block certain cases, skins;

  • Thoughtful anti-chit and anti-hack system for especially smart users who like to tweak their chances, and in general are not particularly friendly with such a concept as pride.

 How to open cases in CS:GO 4

And even if you decide to hire a professional team of developers who will create, fill and maintain everything, it is necessary to constantly monitor the quality of work performed. It costs the audience nothing to slam your site on forums or threaded sites, calling it dishonest, cheating, or empty. That's why you need to plow and invest in reputation.

And something tells us that if you create such a site, you will forget about the game for at least a few years ahead. But others will get a chance to get a free case in CS:GO.


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