Each of you is used to playing Counter Strike at different screen resolutions, hand position, sound volume, etc., so figuring out how to customize CS 2 for yourself will be very useful.
Customizing CS 2
Let's start with the news that may cause you a fierce butthurt at the developers
The thing is that in the still ongoing beta testing of the new Counter Strike, there is no way to change the hand of the character, with which he holds the weapon, from the right to the left. There's a persistent rumor on the web that Valve isn't going to put a hand swapping team in the game. Allegedly, this is all due to the fact that the game model now has a shadow, and also became visible legs.Part of the kaeser community in general believes that the real reasons are much more prosaic: Valve likes to make money on Counter Strike, but does not like to work hard in order to maintain the normal performance of the game and make the game well, without bugs and errors.
Concretize the actual reasons
As gamers believe, in CS 2 customize hands can not be for 2 real reasons:
Because of the new smocks.
Because of the banal laziness of developers.
As you probably know, in addition to improving graphics Valve has made revolutionary changes to the smokes, which in CS 2 can be shot through. So, allowing the arms to change will change the side from which the smock will be shot accordingly. This, in turn, entails the complication of the game code, i.e. it will be necessary to prescribe in the code the flight of the bullet; the place where the bullet enters the smokey; the trajectory of the bullet through the smokey, etc. In short, Valve saved on programmers' salaries, but in return received the dissatisfaction of the gamer community, who wanted to customize CS 2 to suit themselves by moving the weapon in the left hand of the character.
As for the second reason, the laziness of developers, there is an opinion that Valve did not want to draw animations of models holding weapons in the left hand, and, simply put, nailed it. Prior to CS 2, in early versions of the game, changing hands was just a normal mirroring of the mods. It didn't look very nice, but it didn't load «iron». Now to make a mirror is a hard cringe, and to draw models - long and costly, and, apparently, Valve decided not to bother.
Adjusting the mouse (part 1)
In order to customize CS 2 the most familiar to you, you also need to adjust the mouse. First of all, its 2 important functions are:
Let's start with acceleration. To make it clearer to you, this word means increasing the speed with which the mouse pointer moves with the help of software. So yes, if you have this feature working, you are not in full control of your mouse movement, so disable acceleration in your operating system and in Counter Strike itself. Of course, you will be very uncomfortable at first, but we believe that a normal customize CS 2 and get full control over moving the scope is worth it.
In Windows, this feature is disabled through the «Start menu». Go to it and select «Control Panel». Next, look for «Mouse», click and go to the tab labeled «Pointer Options». There should be an item «Enable increased accuracy of pointer setting», it is checked by default and should be unchecked. Confirm your selection by clicking «OK».
Customizing the mouse (part 2)
Let's continue customizing CS 2, now let's turn off acceleration in the game itself.
Right-click on the shortcut of the game from which you launch CS 2 to bring up the context menu
Select the item labeled «Properties». Look for the item «Object». You will need to write the following commands in the first line: -nofocemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -32bpp. Confirm your changes by clicking on «OK».Go to mouse sensitivity. It can also be configured in CS 2 and in Windows.
Starting from Windows. Go through the «Start menu», then select «Control Panel». Next, look for «Mouse», click and go to the tab labeled «Pointer Options». Select the most comfortable travel speed for you. Keep in mind that the mouse sensitivity setting in Windows affects the sensitivity in CS 2. Also, keep in mind that mouse resolution and mouse sensitivity are interdependent parameters: the higher the resolution, the better the sensitivity.
Customizing the Mouse (Part 3)
Now we are going to customize KS2
sensitivity in . It is done through the console using several commands:sensitivity "1.0". This setting means that the mouse sensor in Counter Strike will be exactly the same as in Windows.
m_filter "0". This is how you turn off mouse anti-aliasing. This is important because the game needs accuracy and speed of movement more than smoothness.
zoom_sensitivity_ratio "0.5". Sets the mouse sense when the scope is on. It is desirable to put it 2 times lower than the main scoop in the game to make it easier to aim with a sniper.
m_yaw "0.045". Sets the sensitivity factor in the horizontal or X-axis.
m_pitch "0.022". Sets the vertical or Y-axis sensitivity coefficient. It is desirable to set this coefficient 2 times lower than the X-axis coefficient. In this case, it will be easier for you to hold the sight steady and on the same level, so you can
easily make headshots.
Now you know the basic commands for the mouse, with the help of which you can better customize CS 2 to suit yourself.
Set the jump through the mouse wheel
Some professionals Counter Strike do not use the standard button «Spacebar» for jumping, and reconfigure it on the mouse wheel. It is done in 2 ways: through the game settings and through the console.
If you decide to go through the game settings, then first start CS 2 and open the settings. You need a section called «Keyboard and Mouse», and in this section, «Moving». After that look for «Jump», in it assign the mouse wheel for jumping.
If you prefer to work with the console, then write in it mwheeldown +jump (the jump will be made by scrolling the mouse wheel down); mwheelup +jump (the jump will be made by scrolling the mouse wheel up).
These commands, if desired, you can bind, for example, bind your key "mwheeldown" +jump or bind your key "mwheelup" +jump.
Useful tips
Properly customize CS 2 - is not only to find out what exactly needs to be changed in Windows or in the Counter Strike itself, but to pick up good components in the form of reliable and inexpensive «rodent». You can set great settings, but if your mouse is falling apart and the buttons are working intermittently, then our entire post above is essentially useless to you. We want to help make it easier for you to play and win in rinks.
First, don't chase the most expensive mouse. Its high cost usually includes the price of branding and advertising. Mid-priced mice are usually just as good as the tops.
Second, you shouldn't play without a mat. It takes away some of the mouse slip, so you can move the scope more accurately. Also, glitches are unlikely to occur on the mat.
Third, you need to save records of all the commands and settings you have applied to the file. Word and Notepad will help you. Then pour this file onto a flash drive or external hard disk. If your Winda crashes, you can easily re-configure CS 2 after reinstalling the game.