This blog is dedicated to how to buy CS:GO stickers and not to miss out. Let's say right away that this product is quite specific and is not in such demand as skins or knives. But if you manage to find a collectible timed to some serious or global event like ESL or Eden Arena — save it until better times. Take just the clearest example — EMS Katowice 2014 Challengers. Today, the capsule alone is valued at over $2000.
Now look at the treasures it holds.
What's the point of this introduction? To that stickers — a great investment for those who regularly follow gaming trends, attend major «Majors» on CS GO and watch broadcasts on Twitch. If you're still not doing it — get involved, because there's nothing easier than capitalizing on exchange rate differences by buying up cheap capsules in time, which will be of great value in the future. The process is not quick, a couple or three years will have to wait, while trying to keep the reputation of the account in pristine condition. But the opportunity to earn several times the amount spent is worth it.
Look at least at the graph of the common iBUYPOWER 2014 sticker, which soared from $400 to $1100 in just 2.5 years.
What's worth investing in
Now we're going to look at which CS GO stickers may grow in value in
near future and why this is the case. Let's take a look at a few colorful collections, as well as the main contenders that make many people buy not only individual stickers, but entire capsules.CS20 Collection
This set was timed to the 20th anniversary of Counter Strike, because it was then, in 2000, that Valve saw the little-known mod for the first Half-Life and recognized its potential. As you can imagine, they've done just fine, from CS 1.6 to CS:GO in its current form.
It goes without saying that many are chasing the holographic Dragon Story of the exotic-looking. At the time of this blog's publication, it costs almost $19, but back in early August, the price tag was dangerously close to the $30 mark. Not a bad bang for the buck, considering the starting price of $18 a piece.
Next up on the list is «I'm too old» top-of-the-line sticker. At first glance, an unremarkable sticker, but the olds of the series will surely buy them to nostalgia for the old days and the CS 1.6 version. The price has already risen from the starting $0.15 to $0.24
.And in general the package is limited, so in the future discounts are not to be expected. Stock up now, or it will get significantly more expensive later.
ESL One Katowice 2015 Challengers Collection
There are a lot of interesting moments associated with this series. To begin with, not many players and investors have bought sticker capsules, so the capsules have risen significantly in value recently. Yes, there are no legendary stickers like iBUYPOWER with holographic tiger, but there are enough worthy candidates too.
And considering that the average cost of a capsule today is estimated at more than $500, special attention is paid to it.
Let's start with the famous holographic Titan. For a long time it was quietly billed at $200 c periodic price correlation, but from the first of June to August 10, 2020, the cost has exploded to $675 per unit. Now they are stabilizing again, but it is hardly worth waiting for a strong decline.
Similar situation with Titanium in metal. It doesn't have the same crazy dynamics, but if a couple years ago you could buy it for $50, today be kind enough to give all $360, and the chart doesn't even think of sagging.
But the biggest jump was made by Vox Eminor holographic — an insane $1150 for what back in early June 2020 cost $450, and in December 2018 — only $75.
Katowice 2019
In this category, we decided to put Katowice 2019 Minor Challengers, Katowice 2019 Legends and Katowice 2019 Returning Challengers because the hype around these capsules is going strong right now. You could still bolt on autograph packs as well, but they aren't as highly valued in the short term. But it's worth a shot at random.
These packages were also bought rather sluggishly, many investors were simply not interested in them, especially against the backdrop of the cool stickers of 2014. But there's nothing stopping you from stocking up on a couple capsules or already unopened stickers if you know which CS GO stickers will go up in price in the future. Remember, the series is limited — there will be no more new arrivals.
Of the Returns, the most appreciated is naturally Cloud9, whose price tag has skyrocketed from $8 to $52 since the beginning of 2019, though it's now slowly coming down to $35. Apparently, some investors have injected a good amount of funds to stabilize the rate somehow.
.It should be said that metal Tyloo is also showing excellent growth, having gained from $15 to $45 in a couple of months.
Legend-pack is notable for many notable CS GO representatives. First of all, it is Natus Vincere in metal, hyped from $11 to $35 in the last 4 months of trading
It is backed by metal Astralis, which has shown a similar increase in popularity.
And in Minor Challangers the leader, of course, is Furia holographic, which many people will surely associate with the expensive iBUYPOWER 2014 sticker. What today costs more than $70 was half that price just a couple months ago, and was trading for $7 a piece in April 2019.
Shattered Web
Well, I would like to finish with stickers from the collection «
Web». You probably already know that most of the stickers in this series are double-bottomed and transform significantly if you rub them a little in your inventory. The main thing — is not to overdo it and not to peel off too much. Their value is determined by two parameters:-
limited quantity on the trading floors;
the imminent release of the new Sourse 2 engine, which will bring out the beauty of holography even more.
For example, the Gold Web sticker is already selling for $8 each, although last year the average price barely reached $3.5 for the holo-version.
The second obvious candidate is — Web Stuck in the holographic version. It went from $0.3 to $1.4 in a year and a half, and that's a 4x increase. And imagine if you have a couple dozen or even hundreds of them.
Is the investment worth the time and money spent? Think for yourself. A major global update is coming with a host of new graphical improvements that will reveal the beauty of stickers and skins from a new side. Dataminers have already found source information about the new Source 2 engine, and it's going to be a cannon.
And remember that you should not make exchanges with unauthorized entities that try in every possible way to redirect you outside the Steam and trading platforms. Account integrity is far more important than a perceived desire to save money.