Here we will deal with a pressing question among CS GO players: how to kick myself in mm (matchmaker)? For those who don't quite get the point: you create a vote yourself in competitive mode and ask others to vote you out of the current game.
Typical reasons for doing this:
you run out of time at the computer club;
you have urgent business to attend to;
you don't want to get banned for draining the rink;
less chance to earn a report for draining;
guests came, etc.
In other words, there are force majeure circumstances, in which you would be glad to finish the rink and be the most useful gamer, but some other time.
The first thing to
is to open the game console. If you can't — enable it in the CS GO settings.Then go into the game and play in normal mode, as if you don't need to go anywhere. But in parallel, open the console with the key «Yo» (Tilde, ~) and type the command «Status» (without quotes) to see the list of all players on the current server.
In parallel, look for yourself in case you are going to delete by voting. In this particular case, our potential victim is at position number 16, so we will remember it.
.Since we are already bored with the game, and we don't want to get banned, we make a move and write the following in the console:
Callvote kick 16 (where 16 — is our number in the matchmaker, and in general here you can write anything from 1 to 20).
It should be said right away that not all servers support this command, so you may occasionally see the following notification.
If this happens, you don't have many options:
Apologize in the general chat and live yourself;
Ask the host (server creator) to arrange a vote on your ejection;
Finish rolling to the end, disregarding your own plans.
And most importantly: the feature works ONLY in competitive mode. In random it is useless, because the turnover there is huge and no one will miss you in case of anything. In competitive mode everything is much more serious — there farm ranks, exp, experience and a lot of other interesting things, and to play with a numerical advantage on the part of the opponent — so much fun, especially for the losing side. They could get offended for that.
.Will there be consequences?
Can we call this method a saving umbrella against the rain of hatred, dislikes and promises «to come to visit for tea»? Of course not. Have you seen the community games at all? Especially at lower ranks if the trust factor is burning red hot. Yes, the chance to grab a ban or report with such maneuvers is much lower, but never zero. So try hard to explain the situation quickly and succinctly, otherwise all the work is for nothing.
Ideal conditions — wait until one of the opponents is pouring to adjust yourself. In that case, everyone will be happy. It's a shame it doesn't always work out peacefully.