The most individual customization is the sight, so every player needs to know how to make the sight in kc 2 in such a way that it suits you. Proper adjustment of the sight allows you to see better allows you to better aim at the target and more accurately see the model of the enemy's head.
Adjustment of the sight is different for each player. Some people since the days of CS1.6 used to play with the sight in the dot, because then it was popular, and some people are satisfied with the usual sight, losing the opportunity to customize their client interface.
Settings of the sight in the console
Make a sight in kc 2 can be done with the help of the console and its commands. The scope has many settings that change not only its color or shape, but also its dynamism (expansion at high spread from the weapon).
List of characteristics and console commands that change them:
This setting is responsible for the spread of the scope when firing a clip and has 3 modes. cl_crosshairstyle 0 - turns on the dynamism of the sight, it expands and narrows. cl_crosshairstyle 4 - activates the static mode of the sight, it stops flickering
front of your eyes.Often players refuse to dynamic sight and make the sight in kc 2 static, because constantly expanding, then narrowing sight distracts and can confuse.
Color of the sightThe color
palette - completely a matter of taste and does not carry a practical benefit, but it is worth noting that too dim sights can merge with the textures of the environment, which will significantly reduce your accuracy, because you will not be able to find it on the screen:
cl_crosshaircolor 0 - red color.
cl_crosshaircolor 1 - green color.
cl_crosshaircolor 2 - yellow color.
cl_crosshaircolor 3 - blue color.
cl_crosshaircolor 4 - turquoise color.
The outline is a black line running along the contour of the sight. If you constantly lose the sight on the screen and look for it with your eyes, the black outline will help you not to lose sight of it.
- cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1 - enable drawoutline on the scope.
- cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0 - disable crosshair drawoutline.
However, some players are distracted by the stroke of the sight, so in the setting of the game it is made more dim, or often abandon it altogether.
centerMaking a
sight in kc 2 with a dot in the middle you will facilitate aiming, because you will have a clear reference point for aiming at the middle of the sight.
- cl_crosshairdot 0 - enable the dot in the middle of the sight.
- cl_crosshairdot 1 - turn off the dot in the center of the sight.
Other characteristics of the sightThere are
other commands that change the visual component of your sight:
cl_crosshairsize *number* - this console command changes the overall size of the sight. Valid values are 0-10.
cl_crosshairalpha *number* - changes the transparency of the sight and all its parts. Valid values are 0-255.
cl_crosshairthicknnees *number* - changes the visible gap between sight elements. Allowed values from -5 to 5.
cl_crosshair_t1 - makes the sight in kc 2 T-shaped. It is no different than a regular one, the only difference being the lack of a top line sight. To disable it, enter the command cl_crosshair_t0
in the console If you cannot activate the console, make sure that its use is enabled in the game settings using a separate key. Unlike other ways to change the scope, console commands can be binned and the scope can be changed at the touch of a button, even during a ranked match. For example, being in areas with poor lighting, you can turn on the bright color of the sight, and then return the previous one.
How to change the sight on master maps
Make the sight in kc 2 unique allow special maps that are created to change the interface. On some aim maps you can change the text color, radar size and sight settings.
The idea is that by clicking on different buttons in the game, you can see the changes in the sight in real time. It spends less time and effort compared to the way of customization through the console or game settings.
In addition to the possibility to customize the sight yourself, you can browse the database of already ready-made ones. Streamers, youtubers, and even professional players have their sights set there. If you are too lazy to customize it, then trust your idol from the pro scene and put his sight to yourself, maybe you will like it.
Such maps were widespread in CS:GO, but in the workshop of the sequel enthusiastic modders are few, so you need to be patient and wait for the appearance of the actual selection of sights.
How to change the sight in the settings of the gameMake a
sight in kc 2 can also be
with the help of settings, without resorting to special maps and console commands
In the main menu of Counter-Strike 2, find the gear icon and click on it.
After opening the settings, find the tab “Game” and in it the section “Crosshairs”.
The customization options in the settings are almost no different from console or master maps, but there is one nice feature. In the scope settings there is a button “Share or import”. In this way you can share your sight with your friends or insert their settings to yourself without extra effort.
Having received the code of the sight, it is necessary to paste it into the input box “Import” and save, after that it will be modified. Example code (professional player s1mple's sight) - CSGO-UwUWf-AScRw-fmW79-woFNe-wLsuL. Do not pay attention to the beginning of the code “CSGO”, it is suitable for CS 2 too.
How to make the aim as a dot
Back in CS 1.6 there was often a question, which is still relevant today: “How to make the aim in kc2 as a dot?”. This minimalistic crosshair appeals to players because it is not distracting during important in-game clutches, yet it is a good reference point for shooting.
You can make this crosshair through customization, console and master map. In the master map, you simply select the aim-dot and color, but in the settings and console you will have to do more manipulation:
In the developer console
First of all, add a dot in the middle of the sight with the command “cl_crosshairdot 1”, it will be the basis of the new crosshair. After that it remains to remove the side lines with the command “cl_crosshairsize 0”.
Done, now it is left to add optional stroke and change the color of the sight
.In the game settings
Going to the item “Crosshairs” in the game settings, it is necessary to turn the slider
of the transparency of the side rifles to zero and add a dot in the middle. There
you can adjust the desired color and thickness of the dot.
If you do not want to dig through the console or sliders in order to make a sight in kc 2 dot, we will remind you about the import function of the sight. Open the input field and copy the following code for the sight CSGO-kv4HH-63Yzt-bMqw7-b3QjF-XKZfE - this is the code for the sight in the form of a small dot. CSGO-TOPdt-GQTDDi-9QhoZ-RfwXU-DHh8E - and this is exactly the same sight, only the dot is a bit bigger.
How to make a small sight in CS 2
The overall size of the sight crosshair depends on several parameters, namely the length of the risk, thickness and gap between the parts of the sight. The main setting that affects the size is the presence of the outline.
If you want a miniature sight for yourself that will create a feeling of accurate shooting, then reduce the values of these parameters or use the following codes:
CSGO-CibMq-kwufs-q9aCr-P8xQd-cV6uC - a small sight that has a green color.
CSGO-iEjDF-sAXQV-esoxd-OOfef-cV6uC - exactly the same sight, but having red color.
How to make an AVP sight in CS 2
The ability to make nooscopes with AVP is amazing even on the pro scene, what to say about publiki, but it is very difficult to learn how
do it. We will tell you how to make an avp sight in kc 2 that allows you to kill without using the zoom:Enter the AVP zoom.
Press shift+tab to open the Steam overlay.
Click on the pencil in the bottom menu.
Draw any thing that will replace the scope. For example, you can draw a regular dot or a cross.
Align the note with the center of the sight in the zoom.
Click on the pin to fix the window and adjust its transparency to about 20%
These simple manipulations will allow you to surpass other players in the ability to shoot a noscope, you won't even need training.