How to change the color in the console

14 December 2020, 18:18

You've probably come across more than once how to change the color in the console to watch enemy damage. The main problem of the standard font — white color and nothing is clear. In order to see the damage, you have to stare at the same type of text until your eyes hurt, even with not the most successful font. On 15.6 or 17.3 inch monitors, it's a pain in the ass. 

Thankfully, Valve has provided an opportunity to change the damage panel visually, decorating the damage figures with an alternative color, which immediately stands out from the general «sheet of» text and console commands.

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Working with the console

Let's say at once that the commands should be written step by step and very carefully. But if you are lazy — use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, especially all the lines we have personally tested and made sure that the method works.

Changing the color in the console starts, oddly enough, with its opening. Next, write the following:

con_filter_enable 1

con_filter_enable 2

con_filter_text_out Player

con_filter_text Damage

This is the preparation for the main stage of color change. You prescribe commands that allow you to change the console configuration. The colors themselves change as follows:

log_color General FF25FFFF — pink;

How to change the color in the console

log_color General 6495EDFF — blue; 

How to change the color in the console 2

log_color General 00FFFFFF — turquoise;

How to change the color in the console 3

log_color General FF7F50FF — orange;

How to change the color in the console 4

log_color General FFD700FF — yellow;

How to change the color in the console 5

log_color General 008000FF — green;

How to change the color in the console 6

log_color General AF0000FF — red.

How to change the color in the console 7

The last one — is frankly torture for eyes, so it is strongly not recommended. The best options in our opinion are — yellow, blue and pink. They contrast perfectly with the gray background and white «technical text». 

We get rid of unnecessary problems

The config itself is quite easy to master, but there is one unpleasant moment — it is not saved after output. And every time to change the color of the damag-panel is quite tedious, even copying pre-made commands saved in notepad will eventually get boring. 

There is a way out. After you have run all the commands, don't forget to enter the following line:

host_writeconfig (configuration name). For example, let it be «blue damage»

How to change the color in the console 8

As you can see, the config is saved in the corresponding CFG-file buried in the depths of the installation folder with CS GO. To make the changes take effect — log out of the game, and then log back in, open the console and write:

exec blue damage

Now you can safely play with a predefined color and do not worry about writing commands before each entry into the shooter.

The second option «hot start» commands — bind to a certain button. For example, on F8, which does not actually take part in the game. All the previously written lines must be inserted into the command line in this format:

bind F8 “con_filter_enable 1;con_filter_enable 2;con_filter_text_out Player;con_filter_text Damage;log_color General 00FFFFFFFF””

Quotation marks, commas and spaces are mandatory, otherwise the command will not work.

Agree, pressing one button is much easier and faster than typing a set of commands yourself.

Returning everything back

The easiest


is to return «factory settings» — quit the game and log in again. But it takes a lot of time, especially on older machines with slow HDD and weak processor. So there is an easier option:

con_filter_enable 0 — removes all previously inserted filters;

log_color General FFFFFFFFFF — changes text color to white.

What is all this for? One use case is — to figure out cheaters and send reports to Valve. Not to say it's the best way to do it, since there's no video evidence, but it's a valid way to do it under certain circumstances. Yes and in general such a picture looks more interesting. It's up to you to decide if the console is worth the hassle.

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