How will skins change in Counter-Strike 2?

08 April 2023, 13:06

The update, dubbed Counter-Strike 2, will be free for all CS:GO players and will affect many aspects of the game. Among the most discussed updates – are more realistic smoke behavior, redesigned graphics on many maps, and a new architecture with which players will not have to worry about tykreite. 

How will skins change in Counter-Strike 2?

But the transition to the new engine may also affect another aspect significant for many players, namely the appearance of skins. Therefore, it would be useful to understand in advance how they might change. 

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What will happen to player inventories?

First of all, it's worth mentioning that the skin collections collected by players will be unaffected. Valve has officially confirmed that all purchased items from CS:GO will remain with them in CS2. Players will not have to take any special actions to transfer their skins from CS:GO to Counter-Strike 2 – they will automatically appear in the new version of the game at the first launch. 

At the same time, you can expect the appearance of skins to improve to the same extent that the engine update will affect the rest of the game. There will be no significant changes, as both engines were developed by Valve and the transition is unlikely to cause any noticeable problems. Previously, a similar engine change has already happened in Dota2. The game, originally developed on Source, has been ported to Source2. In-game items are not affected by this process. 

How will the appearance of skins change?

Thus, after the engine update, weapon models will look more attractive due to improved lighting, detailing and some textures. However, the design of the skins will remain unchanged, and popular guns will retain their recognizable appearance. 

Among the skins that will look especially good on the new engine are, for example, M4A4 Poseidon, Desert Eagle Emerald Jörmungandr and M4A1-S Blue Phosphor. New lighting technology makes their design particularly distinctive, and the bright colors and detailed textures are eye-catching and recognizable even from afar. It seems that Valve  really managed to find the right balance: the update improves the look of skins, but at the same time players do not feel that these changes are excessive. 

Counter Strike 2 is scheduled for release in the summer of 2023. However, it won't appear on the competition scene right away. The first major to use the new version will be PGL CS2 Major Copenhagen, which is scheduled to take place in March 2024. 

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