The Call to Arms update added a skin for the Zeus x27 for the first time, bringing the weapon to the attention of players. However, the developers did not limit themselves to visual changes and improved its characteristics, making the appearance of the taser in matches somewhat more likely.
Before the update, Zeus x27 was practically not used due to the fact that it was not profitable to buy it. For one thing, it could only be used once, and killing with it gave no monetary reward. Second, the weapons acted overly unrealistic. You could only kill your opponent by hitting certain parts of the body, which seemed odd for a taser that doesn't fire bullets, but shocks the enemy with an electric shock.
Taser Improvements and Drawbacks
In the patch
was released on February 16, the characteristics of the Zeus x27 changed. Now, weapons are no longer disposable, which means they can be used more effectively. In addition, its damage has been increased, and now any hit guarantees that the enemy will be incapacitated – aiming for the head is no longer necessary.However, the Zeus x27 still has some drawbacks that may make its use impractical. It takes 30 seconds to reload, so it will be difficult to use the Taser in tense moments of the match. In fact, having chosen this weapon, the player has no right to make a mistake, because in case of a miss he will find himself in a losing position. In addition, hitting an opponent with the Taser still does not
rewards, so if you use it too often, you may not have enough money for weapons and equipment in the next rounds.Tips for using the TaserThere are
some tips for players who still want to try using the Zeus x27 in competitive matches:
Do not buy the Zeus x27 every round, as it can ruin the economy of the game for your team: even if you use it successfully, it still means that you spend a lot of money on weapons and equipment. Save your tazer for economy rounds where you don't buy much.
Don't try to use it against groups of opponents. If you suspect multiple enemies nearby, switch to another weapon.
Do not use the taser in open spaces. It is most effective in winding corridors and narrow passageways where the enemy has nowhere to go and you are not in danger of a surprise attack.
If possible, use it in combination with smoke and light grenades to take the enemy by surprise.
It is still unclear how often the taser will appear in real matches. Nevertheless, custom skins on the Zeus x27 can already be seen in the workshop, which means there is a chance that the developers will be selecting them for future cases as well, so Zeus x27 Olympus will not remain the only one.