If you don't know how to farm cashes in CS GO, you've come to the right article. Here we'll tell you all the intricacies of getting the coveted crates, talk about non-obvious things and bring players a little bit to their senses. There are also pitfalls, but with proper planning they are not terrible.
The only point that is desirable — the presence of several twinks, because for a week you can knock out just one container, and iron should be forged while it is hot, especially after the next game updates and the introduction of a new collection of skins. In general, get ready to gain important knowledge on the ground of case farming.
Necessary preparations
First of all, let's disappoint some freeloaders: Prime Status, or a paid version of CS GO, is required to get drops in the game. At most — 21 account levels (in case there are multiple tweens or bots — Prime for each). Otherwise, nothing will work.
Next, let's consider the moment of farming new cases in CS:GO, using multiple accounts and, strangely enough, antivirus. Without it, you will have to systematically observe this error message and forced disconnection from the network.
.We fix it with Avast antivirus, since it's free and you can probably find the license key yourself. The procedure for bypassing the restrictions is as follows:
Install the antivirus and go to «Menu» — «My licenses»;
Enter a valid activation key and restart the system;
Go back to the menu and make sure that the settings in the «Components» column are set as shown on the screenshot;
Go to «Protection», selecting «Sandbox»;
With its help you need to run Steam in compatibility mode.
Now about compatibility. On Windows 10 can happen such a bug that the game will still crash with a VAC error, which we do not need for a quick farming of cases in CS GO. So right click on the Steam shortcut and go to properties. Next, find the sub-item «Compatibility» and set the values shown in the screenshot below.
After all these manipulations, run the game only as administrator, otherwise it probably won't work, or will be with big interruptions. Now as for the sandbox. You can open almost unlimited number of windows in it, as long as your PC can handle the load. To somehow relieve the system in
mode, you can write the following settings in the console:-window -w 640 -h 480 -nosound -novid
What is the best way to farm cashes in CS GO? Naturally, through IDLE servers, as they have a higher chance of dropping something interesting. You know how to access them yourself, but just in case, choose the path: List of community servers — Internet — Filter. In the «Map» field, type IDLE and go to the first one that looks at you. After dropping a gun in the game, you can move to the next account and do it until your computer starts slowing down or accounts run out.
.Immediately after dropping the case — the account is changed as it becomes useless. Drop, in case of anything, you can overflow to one particular account, albeit the main one. It's even easier to calculate the profit from all your tweens and buy a bulk batch of cases while the demand for them is high.
Get 21 rank without donation
cashes in CS GO in AFK and without Prime, you will have to upgrade 21 rank. And not everyone has the opportunity to buy a paid subscription with all the perks. You will have to conscientiously spend 21 weeks of personal time, but for this you will get Prime status and some other advantages.The most interesting thing is that in most cases you can farm experience without your presence in the arena. The main thing — to enter the server and make it so that not kicked. To do this, go to the official server (this is important) open the console and write the command «+left» or «+right»to make the character spin on its axis. This way you give the server a command that you are not standing still and are not a bot, but perform complex movements or confused in the control.
It is worth considering the following: to reach rank 21 you need to get 101 000 experience points. You can get a maximum of 5,000 per week after matches are completed. A certain part is given with a triple factor, but the essence remains the same — no more than 5000 experience per week, while you need to spend about 1.5-2 hours of time. No one said the procedure was easy and virtually no time commitment, but it's completely free. Besides, you can use the same sandbox and open several accounts at the same time, so that they can peacefully spin left and right, gaining precious experience.
This method will greatly simplify life in the future, when the next update with new cases is released. You'll just have to open a sandbox and start twinks on IDLE servers to farm cashes in CS:GO in 2020. The method is working and quite profitable. The main thing — is to have some sort of machine that can pull multiple windows, even on minimum settings. Otherwise, afk-farming loses almost any meaning.
If you master all the techniques of farming — you can turn the procedure into a way of additional income. No one says that every week will dump dozens of Bravo-cases, but on average you get about 2-3 thousand rubles with 6 farmbots that you yourself have pre-prepared. Is it dangerous? No, since you're not breaking server rules. But to minimize the threat of a report from the rest — look for the most deserted and sparsely populated servers, where no one will complain to Gaben about your farm.
What is the best way to farm cashes in CS GO? Are there any differences between daytime and nighttime online? At night — is more profitable. First, less influx of players, second, less congestion on your ISP's internet channel. During the daytime there are still a lot more people sitting around, provoking high ping and periodic network failures.