If we consider the quality of skins in CS 2 in order and compare their quantity with what was in the old CS:GO, we will not see any differences. The coloring levels have been completely carried over to the new game unchanged.
As before, they differ from each other by only one parameter - float or degree of wear. Float gradations for determining a particular quality level have not changed either.
So in today's article we will basically remind you that in CS 2 there are 5 quality levels of skins (we will go downward - from the best to the worst), describe the characteristic features of each level and give examples of skins for each quality level for one particular weapon. So to speak, let's illustrate to you how different levels of quality skins in CS 2.
And one more important nuance. A common question in the cacer community is whether skin wears out over time. Don't worry about that. You can play a few thousand matches with perfect coloring and nothing will change in the end. Fortunately, the developers from Valve have not laid in the game of gradual wear and tear skins.
Quality levels of skins in CS 2
The gradation of
is considered by the parameter of wear. There are currently 5 levels. On their own, they differ from each other even visually. Experienced kaesters, if shown several skins with varying degrees of wear, will determine the level of quality almost without difficulty. We hope that after reading the post you will improve your understanding of the issue and will determine quality skins in CS 2 without problems.So, let's go directly to the names of levels (order - from best to worst):
Direct from
factory. Sometimes you'll see the abbreviation FN or Factory New. It's the same thing in English.A little shabby. On sites dedicated to Counter Strike, the abbreviation MW or Minimal Wear is encountered.
After field testing. If you see the acronym FT or Field-Tested, it's the same thing.
Worn. In English, WW or Well-Worn.
Battle-hardened skins are the most worn skins. Marked with the abbreviation BS or the phrase Battle-Scared.
role of float in determining the quality of skins in CS 2
Float sets the value of wear and tear of the skin and the degree of defects on it. Visually worn coloring is determined by the number and degree of scuffs, scratches and chips. Accordingly, the more they are, the more unattractive the appearance of the coloring, and the less valuable it is in the eyes of players.
Float is expressed as a specific number in the range from 0 to 1. The closer the float value is to zero, the quality of the skin in CS 2 higher. If you're interested in cheap yet popular coloring books, look for them with a float of around 1. Of course, they will be heavily wiped, with a fuzzy pattern, but there is nowhere to go from the iron rule: higher the wear - lower the price.
The ratio between float and coloring quality is as follows
:0.01-0.07 is the range for Straight from the factory.
0.07-0.15 is the range for Slightly worn.
0.15-0.38 is the range for Field Tested.
0.38-0.44 - range for Worn.
0.44-1 is for Battle Hardened.
In addition, between the value of float and quality of skins in CS 2 noticed an interesting pattern. Float essentially reflects the likelihood of a skin falling out in a certain quality when you open a case.
Simply put, opening 100 cases will get you 1 to 7 colorings Straight from the factory or 45 to 100 skins Battle-hardened.
Straight from the factory
Colorings with this quality are considered the most attractive and desirable
Of course, they are also the highest priced. Here are the key features of such skins.Absence of scratches and other damages. You will not find any defects on these colorings. Their appearance can be called flawless with every reason.
Saturated colors, sharp detailing. Such skins look bright, they show the smallest details. And the reason for that is simple: no damage.
The highest value in the eyes of the Kaeser community. We don't think we need to say too much here. The higher the quality of a skin in CS 2, the more expensive it is.
Interest for collectors. Players with significant financial resources, often collect collections of beautiful skins. And, of course, it's Factory New that gets their attention the most.
A little worn
This is the next level of wear and
after Straight from the factory. These skins are characterized by the following features:The presence of minor damage. If you look closely at these skins, you may notice slight, often barely perceptible scuffs or scratches. But, as a rule, drawings and ornaments on this quality of skins in CS 2 are still quite clear and noticeable, so there is almost no difference with the Direct from the factory.
There is no maximum saturation of color. And here with the color is really worse. Due to minor damage, the coloring is not perceived as bright.
Lower and more affordable price. This is logical: if there is minor damage, colors are not as intense as those of the Direct from the factory, the price will be lower than that of similar skins.
Popularity in the Kaeser community. It may surprise you, but the slightly worn skins have their own fans who prefer them for their relatively realistic look, rather than the perfectly «polished», like the Straight from the Factory.
After field testing
This is the third level of skin quality in CS 2. It already shows signs of use very well. Below is a list of its main features.
Damage at a moderate level. Even inexperienced gamers already notice wear and tear without problems. The coloring shows well with chips, scratches and other signs of use. Of course, the overall appearance is not as attractive in contrast to skins of higher quality.
Lower price. Due to the fact that coloring After Field Test skins show noticeable signs of wear and various pattern damages, they cost less.
More faded color scheme and lower detailing. Consequently, design details such as ornaments become less clear, sometimes even ragged, due to damage.
Interest among collectors. Some skins because of individual scratches acquire a unique appearance, so they become valuable for fans of the game.
WornThe fourth
and penultimate level quality of skins in CS 2. Let's highlight its characteristic features:
Wear and tear is very noticeable. Coloring is worn so much that part of the pattern is simply missing and becomes visible «native» metal or plastic weapons.
Colors are dull, detailing is low. From the former color scheme, which is, for example, the quality Direct from the factory, almost no trace is left. Small details are sometimes almost invisible.
Affordable price for most gamers. It is clear that the lower the quality of the skin in CS 2, the lower the price for it. Shabby coloring books can be afforded by caesters on a tight budget. Although, there's no denying that there are gamers who just like shabby skins. The reason is that they fit their playing style and reflect their personality.
There is a fairly high probability of getting a skin by opening a case. Earlier in the post we talked about what a float is. The higher the float level, the worse the quality of the skin and the greater the chance of knocking it out of the case.
Skins of this quality level are the most numerous in the game, and their appeal is minimal. They can be easily identified by the following signs.
Maximum wear and tear. The weapon shows deep scratches, as if it has been in several hundred fights.
Very faded colors and almost complete lack of detail
There are times when almost nothing remains of the original design. The drawings and ornaments become barely recognizable. The skin itself is blurred, partially missing, broken into several parts.Minimum prices on trading sites. The quality of skins in CS 2 Battle-hardened is quoted very low, so the prices for such colorings are very attractive and affordable for the bulk of cacers.
Maximum probability of knocking out of the case. The chance that opening another case, you will not get a new coloring Straight from the factory, but only battle-hardened, ranges from 45 to 100%.
Examples of skinsAfter
we have described the main differences between the different levels of quality, it's time to demonstrate how the visual dissimilarity between the colors.
And we will do this on the example of AK-47 and skin «Azimov».
Let's start with quality of skins in CS 2 Straight from the factory
It looks perfect, of course. Not a scratch, not the tiniest chip and the brightest color scheme.
The design of the coloring book is among the futuristic ones. The background is a white color. It features an ornament that is a combination of bright orange and black stripes. The skin is complemented by drawings of various geometric shapes and crosses, which can be found on various parts of the body.
By the way, the range of float for Right from the factory begins with a value of 0.05 and ends at 0.07.
Moving on to the next quality of skins in CS 2 - A little shabby
The changes on it at «Asimov» are little noticed, but are already showing. The color is no longer as rich and vibrant. In addition, the first scuffs are becoming visible on the protruding parts of the automaton. What's nice about this skin is the price. You could say it's perfect for its almost pure coloring compared to the maximum quality Straight from the factory.Level After field tests on «Asimov» in terms of scuffs and scratches not much different from Worn. But, what is most striking is the significant shift in the color palette to duller shades. The skin feels like it has lost its original freshness and brightness. And, in general, this is the case.
Let's consider the next level of skin quality in CS 2 - Worn. On «Asimov's» the pattern is still solid, but the store is already showing small scratches. Also, the top of the case, where the receiver is, is badly scuffed. And, of course, the color scheme has even more brightness. Weapons are becoming increasingly darker.
As for the Battle-Hardened level, the changes here are maximal even compared to the previous Worn level. Particularly serious chipping and scuffing can be seen on the magazine. Essentially, what we see on the store is not a solid pattern, but a set of multiple stains. The same scuffed parts (though not as much) are on the receiver and buttstock. Although, it should be said that «Asimov» on the minimum skin quality in CS 2 looks still very decent. There are skins, which at this level of quality have almost nothing left from the design: scraps of faint ornaments, incomprehensible colors.
How to know the quality of a skin?
The question is actually unreasonable and important. The answer to this question will help you know how much you can get for the coloring, if you want to sell it, or estimate the size of your budget when buying.
To find out the quality of the skin in CS 2 can be two ways.
If you want to buy, then next to the image of the coloring trade sites usually indicate the abbreviation consisting of two letters, for example, FN (Straight from the factory) or WW (Worn). A complete list of all acronyms is written at the top of this post under the subheading «Levels quality skins in CS 2». In addition to abbreviations, there you can find
the full Russian and English names of quality levels.If you want to sell, it means that you need to find out what quality coloring you own.
This is done through the Inventory
To go to it, you need to go to Steam and click on your user nickname in the top right corner of the page. In the menu that appears, select theInventory
item.Each weapon in the Inventory can be inspected by clicking on the button of the same name.
Now that you have moved on to inspecting the weapon, look for the information icon at the bottom of the screen
Then hover the cursor over it. Information on the degree of wear (float) will appear.