How to Get a Charm in CS2

29 November 2024, 20:45

Charms have become one of the most significant and anticipated updates in CS2. These are cosmetic items that can decorate any part of the weaponry in your arsenal. Unlike skins, which they closely resemble, charms do not wear out. Currently, only two collections are available in the game - miniature copies of weapons and agents. Players have already appreciated their design and unusual appearance, but not everyone knows how to get a charm in CS2. We will talk about this in our article today.

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To obtain charms in CS2, you first need to purchase an Armory Pass, which costs about $16. The Armory Pass is a pass that represents additional content in the game. Players who have purchased it gain access to a special menu with more than a hundred new items.

Only after purchasing such a pass can you start earning items. Thus, you can get a charm in CS2. At the same time, it is permissible to purchase and level up no more than 5 Armory Passes.

So, the Armory Pass cannot be obtained for free. To buy it, you need to go to the main menu of the game. By the way, this option is only available to players with Prime status.

After purchasing the pass, the player has the opportunity to open rewards and receive a special in-game currency, Armory Credits, which is used to unlock the most desirable and valuable rewards. The Armory Pass includes:

  • 3 new weapon collections;

  • a new weapon case;

  • stickers;

  • charms.

Once the purchased pass is activated, you can start earning credits – Armory Credits, which can later be exchanged for various items. This internal currency (players also call it stars) is earned through experience gained in the shooter.

Each Armory Pass contains a maximum of 40 credits. The first one is earned immediately upon purchasing the pass. If you want to earn more credits, you purchase another Armory Pass, and so on. Note: credits cannot be bought; they are earned exclusively through experience with an active pass. Furthermore, the pass and credits cannot be traded or sold on marketplaces.

If you have an Armory Pass, you can guarantee to get 10 skins. Want to get a charm in CS2? Then prepare 3 stars: that's how much this item costs.

Features of charms in CS2

The appearance of charms in the shooter has been long-awaited – especially since competitors have had such items for a long time. Cosmetic items are currently presented only in two collections: Small Arms Charms and Missing Link Charms. The first features miniature copies of the most popular weapons in the game (AWP, Tec-9, USP, MAC-10, AK), as well as classic knives. These charms attract attention with their bright design and interesting appearance: some shimmer in various colors, others shine brightly, and others are decorated with gemstone-like decor.

How to Get a Charm in CS2

Missing Link Charms is a collection that attracts special attention. Everyone wants to get a charm in CS2 from it! It includes copies of game agents – amusing "sausages" in various colors and designs. Here you'll find a cat, a hamster, a chicken, along with classic agents.

How to Get a Charm in CS2 2

From each collection, you can obtain one random charm by spending 3 credits. What will you get? It all depends on your luck. Items are found in special charm capsules.

Once you become the owner of such an item, you can attach it virtually anywhere on the weapon (except for the magazine). The only restriction – only one charm per weapon. To precisely place the item, simply drag it to the desired spot.

If you grow tired of the charm, you can detach it. In that case, it will return to your inventory. If necessary, you can use it again. To detach the charm, use a special tool. When you receive a charm, you also get 3 detachors for free. In the future, such tools will need to be purchased for money: buying one tool for detaching a charm will cost about $1.

The price of charms

If you want to get a charm in CS2, you will likely find it useful to know about their value. Like skins, the price of these items depends on the design and rarity, as well as on the patterns. By the way, charms have ten times more patterns than skins.

Currently, the most expensive items from the new charm collections are:

Baby Karat T

How to Get a Charm in CS2 3

This charm costs $32. It is an extraordinary type of item, the most expensive in the Small Arms Charms collection. The luxurious miniature golden knife, used by terrorists in the game, suits any weapon. The drop chance is extremely rare, only 0.64%.

Baby Karat CT

How to Get a Charm in CS2 4

This charm costs about $26. It is also quite a valuable game item, a mini-copy of the knife used by special forces in CS2. Its rarity of the extraordinary type makes the charm sought after by players.

Hot Howl

How to Get a Charm in CS2 5

This charm belongs to the Missing Link Charms collection. Its name translates as "Howling Sausage." The item costs about $30. The charm of the extraordinary type has a bright, memorable design that will decorate any of your weapons.


How to Get a Charm in CS2 6

The "gem" knife shines with a cold blue color with turquoise overtones. This exotic type item has been duly appreciated by many players. The price of this charm is estimated at about $19.

Hot Wurst

How to Get a Charm in CS2 7

An item of the extraordinary type has an interesting design. It is made in the form of a sausage being grilled. The amusing concept and skillful selection of colors make players dream of getting a charm in CS2 of this type. The price is about $14.

How to apply a charm?

If you have received the desired item and want to decorate your weapon with it, we suggest studying the instructions:

  1. Go to the game inventory section and select the weapon to which you want to attach the charm.

  2. Select “Equip Charm,” then choose the “Apply Charm” option. After this, a menu with the charms you have obtained in the game will appear.

  3. Select the charm.

  4. Move it to the part of the weapon where you want to hang the decoration.

  5. Confirm the changes by saving them.

Once you have attached the charm to your weapon, other game participants will be able to see it.

Lil' Squirt

How to Get a Charm in CS2 8

An exotic type item that is designed like a water gun. This bright charm attracts attention and improves the mood with its vivid appearance. Even the most intimidating and dark weapon will acquire a more cheerful look with this "little one."

The cost of the item is about $5.

Diner Dog

How to Get a Charm in CS2 9

Developers named this charm "snack sausage." It belongs to the group of exotic items and is decorated in various colors. This agent's eyes are the only parts not covered by geometric patterns.

The price is about $5.

This is the list of the most expensive charms in CS2. There are also other items that are interesting in design but more affordable in price.

Introducing such cosmetic charms into the game is an excellent decision by the developers, which players have long awaited. They add bright colors to the game and also increase the interest and motivation of participants: it's always interesting to see what you will get?

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