Graffiti with history - what famous graffiti means in CS:GO

02 May 2023, 13:02

On many maps in CS:GO you can notice images on the walls. A goose can be spotted near point A on Dust2, and there is plenty of signage on Inferno. Such details add to the atmosphere, and besides, players can use them as reference points. However, some of the graffiti in CS:GO – isn't just pictures. They were added in honor of episodes that were remembered by fans of the game and made cybersport history.

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Olofmeister on fire

Graffiti with history - what famous graffiti means in CS:GO

One of the most famous examples of – graffiti in honor of Olof «olofmeister» Kaibier on Overpass. The drawing on the wall of the yellow building at point B shows a SWAT team member defusing a bomb while standing in tongues of flame. This is exactly the situation olofmeister found himself in at the semifinals of ESL One Cologne 2014. He managed to disarm the explosive device, although everything around him was on fire from «molotov». By sacrificing himself, the player brought the team a point that allowed them to gain a decisive advantage in the game against Dignitas.

Winged AWP

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Another notable graffiti – winged AWP that can be found on point B of the same map. It is inspired by an episode from the 2015 MLG Major Championship Columbus semifinals. Coldzera, who played for Luminosity Gaming in a match against Liquid, single-handedly killed four opposing players with his AWP who were trying to break through on B. He hit three of them without using the scope, and two of them – on the jump. After such a show, Luminosity, who was losing the map at the time, was able to gain enough points to keep it.

Attack without aiming

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Similar in spirit is an image on Cache – it can be found at the entrance to point B. In the image you can see a winged sniper who has lost his aim. The moment to which this graffiti is dedicated took place at the ESL One Cologne 2016 semifinals. In one of the decisive rounds s1mple, finding himself alone against two opposing players, decided to act aggressively instead of waiting. He dealt with one of them by jumping on him from above, and hit the second one from a long distance, but also without using the scope.

Smart Grenade

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On the contrary, the graffiti-awarded moment that took place in the final of PGL Krakow 2017 required calm and calculated actions rather than aggressive ones. In one round of Immortals vs. Gambit, the latter's players were outnumbered and decided not to try to fight off the point, preferring to save their gear. However, one, Mikhail Stolyarov, decided to at least try to take revenge on his opponent. Getting close to the court seconds before the explosion, he threw the grenade so that it hit exactly in the corner where the Immortals players were waiting for the end of the round. As a result, although this round was left to Immortas, Gambit managed to retake the initiative in the following rounds. On Inferno, a drawing depicting a bottle of perfume in the form of a grenade was added for the occasion.

Wolf on the Roof

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Finally, another graffiti worth mentioning is on the roof of one of the houses on the Blacksite map. This is a map from Danger Zone, which was used in one of the exhibition matches at IEM Katowice 2019. In the final part «battle royal», left against two players joining forces against him, Furlan managed to pinpoint their location, climb to the roof, and attack them from above. To commemorate the episode, Blacksite has graffiti with a picture of a wolf and the signatures of Furlan and GruBy, who were the winners in that match.

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