Where to find teammates in CS:GO

05 March 2023, 23:30

Kaaser, who has set a goal to achieve serious results in Counter Strike, sooner or later will think about where to find teammates in CS:GO and how to make them a cool team. Sometimes search tasks are more down-to-earth: a gamer gathers people to play a few rinks, make new acquaintances and have fun.

Counter Strike – team game, in which good interaction and the notorious «chemistry» between 5 people in a team often mean more than a great aim and overall skill. We think there is no need for detailed explanations regarding the fact that a tactically prepared team, in which every gamer knows at least typical shots, timings and spreads, will gain a serious advantage over most opponents. The main thing is to find teammates in CS:GO, and savvy teammates at that. To do this, you need to clearly understand who exactly you want to be your partner.

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Criteria for choosing teammatesIn

order to narrow down the range of potential candidates for the role of your «brothers in arms», we offer to consider them through several parameters that will help you make the right choice:

  1. Game mode. Decide who exactly you will be looking for: someone who will help you get new ranks and conquer new heights in official matchmaking, or someone with whom it will be just nice to have fun at the next skating rink on the weekend.

  2. Age. Sure, now you can find a teammate in CS:GO without much trouble, but you might not be happy to play with a teenager if you're an adult.

  3. Playing Position. Here you need to understand whether you need a narrow professional, for example, a good entree-frager, who at the same time cannot show good results at other positions, or a more or less universal player.

  4. Personal information. Ads looking for partners sometimes include restrictions such as not wanting to play with a gamer below a certain rank or toxics. You can do the same: set clear criteria and weed out unnecessary people to find teammates in CS:GO, with whom it will be a pleasure to play and achieve results.

Finding teammates: specialized sites

These include resources whose main purpose is to publish ads of gamers who want to join a team or find partners. Basically, you don't even need to submit your application there to find teammates in CS:GO. It can be quite enough to study the already available offers and choose the most suitable ones. 

The advantage of these sites – is the presence of a system of filters that will help you sort the ads and show only those that you need. Usually sorting offers is available by gender, time of day, age, purpose of search (for professional play or just for fun) and country.

Where to find teammates in CS:GO

The most famous sites from this category are recognized as Ansedo, CoopLand and Starladder. Ancedo is currently – the top resource to find teammates in CS:GO as well as a team. There's a huge number of listings, great functionality, a nice interface, and an elaborate filtering system.

Where to find teammates in CS:GO 2

Finding teammates: themed sites and forumsThe sites

where casers hang out are a great place to try to find teammates.


For example, on the same forums, there are usually open threads where anyone can post a call and try to find allies for the next rink. Even if you didn't manage to find your teammates on the first resource you came across, it's not a problem. There are a bottomless number of such sites on the Internet, and sooner or later, but you can find a teammate in CS:GO. And, of course, don't limit yourself to one Russian-language Inet if you know other languages. Look also on foreign sites.

In addition, instead of wandering through forums, you can take the initiative and place an ad yourself. Perhaps your conditions and requirements will interest people close to you in spirit.

There is another exotic way to find teammates: write about the search for teammates in the comments under any favorite article on the site dedicated to Counter Strike. Lys-skins site is visited by several tens of thousands of people every day, so try to find a teammate in CS:GO right here by leaving a comment under this article.

Finding teammates: social networks

Let's analyze the actions to find allies in the team on the example of Vkontakte. In this case you need to:

  1. Go to a social network.

  2. In the search bar, type various keywords, for example, find a teammate, search for a teammate, looking for a teammate. Just don't forget to put «CS:GO»at the end of the keyword, otherwise you will be shown ads for other games.

  3. After completing your search, go to the appropriate communities and explore them for suitable offers.

Where to find teammates in CS:GO 3

You can also find a teammate in CS:GO in messengers. Among cyber athletes, the most popular is Discord. It has channels where lists of servers are published, channels with streams, and, of course, there are communities looking for teammates. Discord is closest in spirit to specialized resources like Ansedo, but without the filter system. 

Also. Here you can not only correspond with potential teammates, but also talk to them on the voice.

Finding teammates: Stim forum and tournaments

A great way to find some great casters for your org – is to visit the official Stim forum. And all this is because it is very easy to find teammates in CS:GO on this forum. Think about it: hundreds of thousands, if not millions of gamers come here every day. Among them you will surely find from 1 to 4 adequate and intelligent people both among professionals and among ordinary amateurs who like to score frags in their free time.

Where to find teammates in CS:GO 4

Tournaments – is another good option to find teammates in CS:GO. They tend to involve fairly skilled gamers, so it makes sense to at least periodically check out online competitions and take a closer look at the people who hang out there. Perhaps in the future it is worth to establish a relationship with them and invite them to your team.

Finding teammates: pay attention to your cityThis

advice is suitable only for those readers who live in large cities, where there is a corresponding party and cyber sports clubs.

In general, clubs in the old days, before the era of total penetration of the Internet in our lives, were almost the only place where they gathered, communicated and sleepless nights chopped kaeserov


This option is still not completely outdated, find teammates in CS:GO can and in clubs, provided that you like to communicate in person, you do not bother the crowd around you, and you do not care about the constant darkness in the room.

The plus side of this method is that in offline communication form the strongest and cohesive kaeser collectives that understand each other with a single gesture or word. In addition, in such teams participants are more responsible for training and games, because they are more interested in not letting their partners down.

Possible problems with

teammates It is often not enough to find teammates in CS:GO, because adequate at first impression partner may actually turn out to be a terrible toxic, completely destroying the positive atmosphere in the org.

Mismatch of characters – is another reason that destroys the cohesion of


game team


It is clear that 4 temperamental gamers will be pissed off by 1 slow and calm partner, and they will in most cases do their best to get him out of the team.

And, of course, where without an ego the size of the universe. Such a person will endlessly pull the blanket on himself, attribute team merits to himself and run away from responsibility in case of defeats, otherwise his ego will not survive it.

There are two universal recipes to prevent this kind of problems: to get better in psychology to quickly identify unsuitable people, and to give adequate teammates enough time to improve the overall chemistry.

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