Gamers begin to wonder where to find CS:GO in Stim, when they, for example, need to see file data related to skins, configs, settings of game characters, or when they need to solve the problem with glitchy or broken files. This is a very specific question, so often even experienced Kaesers cannot answer it straight away. However, there are solutions, and they are very simple.
The root folder where all your CS:GO data is located can be found in 2 simple ways. In the first one, you will need to log into Steam and find CS:GO in Steam through its interface. In the second method, you will use the standard search tools offered by Windows and find the game files without going to Steam.
Using Steam
This method is considered more reliable, although it is more time-consuming. You will need to perform the following steps in the sequence we have specified:
On your computer, click on the Steam icon or icon to go to this service.
Open the game library. Here you need to find Counter Strike and then right-click on the name.
A menu will appear in front of you, where you need to click on «Properties».
You need a tab called «Local Files», this is where you find CS:GO in Stim. By itself, go to this tab.
Look for the button «View Local Files». After clicking on it, you will be redirected to the desired root folder.
After completing the search remember, or better write down the path to the folder with CS:GO, so that in the future do not waste time and do not search for it again.
Using Windows toolsFind
CS:GO in Steam is much easier than using Windows tools, because Steam will find the game regardless of how you have folders are called, whether you renamed them.
We recommend to search through Windows only if you are sure that you have not changed the name of the Steam folder on your hard drive or if you remember how you renamed the folder. Otherwise, you'll kill a lot of time to no avail.
So, go to «My Computer» and then to your Local Disk (if you have more than one, search each one in turn). In the search bar, which is usually located in the upper right corner of the window, type Steam (or another name you specify) and confirm your action by pressing Enter. Repeat for each local disk until you get the desired result.
By default, if you have not changed the folder names, the path to the folder you need looks like this: Steam/steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo
Solving Possible Problems (Part 1)
Sometimes players need to find CS:GO in Steam to solve
with broken files. Counter Strike can't be perfectly optimized, of course, and there are crashes, glitches, and data breakdowns. You will learn about the existence of the problem during the launch of CS GO with its subsequent crash and notification of what exactly happened, what file has crashed.Possible causes: the hard drive is working intermittently, the file was not initially installed on the HDD.
In principle, the causes of malfunctions are not so important
The important thing is that these malfunctions can be fixed quickly. It is done in this sequence:Find CS:GO in Stim, as indicated in the chapter «Using Stim» and open the root folder.
In this window in the search box (upper right corner) enter the name of the broken file.
Having found it, delete the file completely, including checking that it does not remain in the Recycle Bin.
Now you need to put a new similar working file. Go to Steam, from there go to the game library, find the game Counter Strike and click on it, select «Properties».
Open «Local files», then click on «Check the integrity of the game files».
Possible Problems (Part 2)
We continue to talk about troubleshooting broken files. As soon as you find CS:GO in Steam and run a check of game files for integrity, Steam service will independently scan and evaluate your recorded data, if necessary, overwrite files or upload them again.
Before running the check, please make sure that the free volume of your hard drive is enough to overwrite the broken files.
The above recommendations may not work
Then, most likely, the fault has started in the dies «of the RAM». Counter Strike has .vpk files that are programmed to evaluate whether RAM is running normally. If there is a RAM failure, they simply will not start. Download, for example, «» Memtest and use it to determine the RAM state. If errors are detected, then the treatment in this case is only one – replacement of faulty components for new ones.Useful tipsWhen
you find CS:GO in Stim or through Windows and solve the problem for which you, in fact, and started the search, remember about our recommendations below, and conduct a small additional check.
First, you may in the future you may pop up unpleasant «launch error» (launcher error), which will also write the word «unicode». The diagnosis here is simple: the error is language-related. There is a mandatory rule that states: all names must be written in the Latin alphabet. Simply put, use English only. So there's no need to write Stim. Instead, only Steam.
Secondly, «launch error» can occur if you have Counter Strike installed on 2 local disks. Try search for CS:GO in Stim and go to the root folder to see if you have 2 copies of the game. If multiple copies are found, delete all files and reinstall CS:GO.
Never copy the game from one disk to another. First tear everything off one disk and only then write the files to the second disk.