The ability to collect skins has been one of the most important elements of the game for the CS:GO community since the early years of the game. Unsurprisingly, many Counter-Strike: Global Offensive fans are concerned about what will happen to skins when the update to Counter-Strike 2 is released to the public. For now it is in closed beta testing mode, but the developers are expanding the number of its participants from time to time, and by the end of summer or fall the new version may become available for everyone.
Will skins be carried over to the new version?
Back in March, when CS2 closed beta testing was first announced, the skin market reacted with some price drops. The thing is, it wasn't initially clear what would happen to the skin collections when upgrading to the new version. However, the developers were quick to clarify the situation: Valve has officially confirmed that all inventories will be ported to CS2. As a result, the market quickly recovered the fall, and the cost of items returned to the original values.
How will the appearance of skins change?
Interestingly, according to analysts, the game update itself may affect the cost of some skins. On Source 2 – the new version of the engine used in CS2, many game items look noticeably better. This is especially true for skins that use special effects in their finishes. Doppler painted knives, for example, shimmer brightly thanks to a new lighting system. A similar thing is noticeable on some firearm skins, particularly Case Hardened or gradient items. It is possible that this effect will affect holographic and metallic stickers, which means that they may also increase in price.
In addition, observant beta testers noticed that some skins have changed color details. For example, some rifles have repainted sights that used to be black: AWP Acheron' s sight is now red, and AWP Safari Mesh is now painted in the same pattern as the body. SSG 08 Acid Fade has turned acid green. It's still unclear if these changes will remain in the final version of the game, or if it's a temporary phenomenon. At the beginning of the beta test, the sight AWP Sun in Leo was also made purple, and in a later update they removed the change. Perhaps the developers will make small adjustments to the appearance of skins based on feedback from players.
How will this affect prices?
Another factor may be that thanks to CS2'
improved graphics, even skins with high floats often don't look so bad. Consequently, we can expect an increase in prices for items with a higher degree of wear and tear.Thus, the transition to a new version of Counter-Strike will not bring players any unpleasant surprises. However, the prices of some skins may change. By following the updates that developers release, you can guess what those changes will be and make a profitable investment.