The CS:GO Professional Players Association (CSPRA) has partnered with Danish team North to implement a program related to player mental health monitoring. The CSPAA announced Tuesday that North players will be able to receive counseling from a psychologist and will also receive training on mental health topics. As part of the training program, players should learn skills to recognize stress and excessive physical exertion and form proper rest routines. Classes will be held online, as well as consultations with a psychologist – . At any time of the day, players will be able to consult a specialist through the We.Care platform.
For now, the program is designed for two months, after which the participants will evaluate its effectiveness and decide whether to continue it or to make adjustments. If successful, the CSPPA plans to expand the program to other teams in the near future.
Team North's captain commented on the decision as follows: «In recent years, cyber athletes have been under increasing pressure. Both young and experienced players are participating in more and more competitions, which leads to increasing stress… I think this project will help us to cope with problems by discussing them with specialists in a trusting atmosphere».