Ever wondered what StatTrak skins are in CS:GO? Why they cost much more than conventional ones with similar parameters and why there is such a hype among gamers.
They have two key differences:
high rarity;
the presence of a kill counter (a digital mark on the blade of the knife).
And this feature, added back in the Arms Deal update in 2013, makes some people literally lust for a particular skin if this feature is available for it. Let's take a detailed look at what it is and why.
How to get StatTrak skin
While classic weapons can be
in the game in several ways, and for free, the skin with a StatTrak counter is knocked out only two ways:
Opening CS GO cases inside the inventory (box + key) with fingers crossed beforehand;
Purchase on the trading platform Steam, or in our store Li-Skins.ru in the appropriate section.
All other options are either illegal, or risky, or 99% depend on luck, so all at your own risk, which we do not recommend.
And let's say at once that the purchase in most cases is profitable, because it does not depend on random. The chance of catching the StatTrak version of the skin you need from the StatTrak case, and with a low degree of wear and tear, is extremely small, and each attempt costs a lot of money.
What StatTrak-weapons look like
Many people have heard about these mysterious guns, but have no idea what the difference between
skins (that's how they are often called by gamers) and the usual ones. Visually — only by the counter on the barrel body.Look at the Desert Eagle Blood Web as an example.
You can't screw this on knives, because it would look a bit silly. But the designers found a way around the limitation, so they made some sort of notches on the blade. They look like this:
On this kerambit you can clearly see the number «5» closer to the hilt.
And these are all visual differences that can be found in the game. If you go into the inventory, items from the counters will be highlighted with an orange frame. Also in the description you will see how many successful frags you have made with the weapon.
.Please note that if you exchange an item with a friend or through a trading platform, the counter's statistics will be canceled.
How the counter keeps statistics
To understand how the technology works, you do not need to be an expert in shooters and thoroughly know what StatTrak skins in CS:GO. Everything is very simple: one frag — one mark (+1 to the total result).
The counter works only when eliminating live players, on bots this number will not work. Otherwise, fans of big and beautiful numbers would have long ago registered on private servers to improve statistics.
StatTrak allows you to quickly determine with whom you are playing in a team, how well he/she owns pistols/rifles/shotguns and other firearms. And don't forget that there is always the following category of players:
I just bought;
I accidentally reset the counter;
This is a friend's account, mine has 20000 on Diggle;
I have a high ping… you know.
And speaking of resetting the meter. This can be done by putting the skin up for sale on the Steam marketplace. The system realizes that the weapon is in a preparatory state, and therefore promptly cleans up traces of the previous owner.
Moreover, there are even ways of scoring successful hits. Some skillful people even created separate CS GO servers for this purpose, where everyone can make beautiful combat statistics. What's that for? Just for your own enjoyment.
If interested — type one of these IP addresses in the console:
If you reach the maximum value…
number you can shoot in GS:GO — 999 999 because the StatTrak counter screen holds up to 6 values. Let's start with the fact that you'll have to pad that number for years, too. You would rather sell the skin on the secondary market than to achieve such an index.But since our people are stubborn and may take such a step out of principle, we answer: after 999 999 the value is reset to 000 000 and everything starts again. This is as far as the visual design is concerned. In the inventory you can see the real picture of what is happening.
Another thing is that to prove this fact, almost everyone will have to drop a link to the inventory, so no one will bother with it.
Are your stats visible to others?
No matter how skillful you are, sooner or later someone from the enemy team will manage to put you down, and at the same time take possession of an automatic rifle or a rifle with StatTrak counter. And if he wants to look at the statistics, or organize his own march on frags — nothing will work.
Valve quite cleverly played this point. If the player does not own the skin, then instead of the numbers on the screen will reflect the inscription ERROR or UNKNWN USER.
.So he won't be able to show off a screenshot of a top gun, no matter how much he wants to.
Is it possible to transfer the value to another weapon?
Killing statistics in CS GO are tied not only to a specific weapon, but also to a certain quality (army, consumer, secret). If skins are in different weight categories — numbers will not be transferred.
The possibility of transporting the counter is possible under one condition: you have two identical skins of the same rarity. There is even a special item for this purpose — StatTrak Swap Tool (aka StatTrak Swap Tool).
.The item is disposable and is sold inside the Steam trading platform.
Why is this necessary? Let's say you have a favorite pistol or assault rifle with a rare skin, but in shabby quality. And then I came across one just like it, but straight from the factory. All that's left is to use the crate and make the new cannon more interesting by keeping the stats. The old one is reset and goes into inventory or for sale.
.In the dry balance
general, the StatTrak is rather decorative. However, the value and cost of the skin is multiplied many times over. In fact, it is a more profitable investment that pays for itself within a few months, if you invest wisely in a certain game item.Is it necessary in the game? It's an open question. But knowing that this particular gun is your favorite — thing is priceless.