Many newcomers and former players are probably interested in what is floats skins CS:GO, how they differ and how they affect the appearance of equipment. And since — is of interest, we see no reason not to tell you about it.
In brief, Float — is an index of the degree of wear, which is directly related to the condition of weapons, knives, gloves. We have already written about wear and tear in more detail in one of the blogs (here is the link), but still we will repeat that there are 5 varieties of them in the game:
Straight from the factory;
A little worn;
After field trials;
In the vast majority of cases, the higher the visual rank of a gun — the more expensive it is. And a bit of information for the skeptics: the skin does not change its wear rate or Float score over time. These values are constant. You can safely show everyone who thinks otherwise.
What Float affects
You've probably encountered a situation where two identical skins with the same quality are priced completely differently. A tweak by an unscrupulous seller, or an attempt to dump the market? No, it's much more complicated than that.
Let's start with the fact that the overall Float score is calculated from 0 (perfect condition) to 1 (complete garbage). Each state is characterized by its own percentage range of values:
straight from the factory — from 0.00 to 0.07;
slightly worn — 0.07 to 0.15;
after field testing — from 0.15 to 0.38;
worn — 0.38 to 0.45;
battle-hardened — from 0.45 to 1.00.
You can find out the current Float for your weapon on any website that sells skins. Take at least the official trading platform Steam, where you can regularly find new products, or posted exclusives for resale.
Here's an example of a P200 Scorpion pistol Straight from the factory on the well-known skin exchange. The first costs almost 900 rubles, the second — only 160. Visually they are the same, but where does the cost difference come from? And that's assuming the second one has a sticker on it, which, in theory, should raise the price. And the clue lies in Float:
Here's the first option.
Here's the second.
The difference — is only 0.02, but the price tag drops more than 4 times. Always pay attention to this when buying and selling to avoid unnecessary questions to the seller, or from the buyer.
So, the dependence of Float on the value has been analyzed, now let's move on to more subtle matters.
Visual differences of Float
We have considered the differences within one degree of wear. What if you find plus or minus similar Float parameters, but one weapon will be a Little worn, and the other — After field testing. Remember, they may have the same 0.15, but it is almost impossible to find similar examples for comparison. Therefore, consider these are the guns.
Variant 1:
In the game looks like this:
Variant 2:
And this is how it looks in the game:
.Can anyone see the difference? It's practically non-existent when it comes to the visual component. But the cost is dramatically different in favor of the second option, which is 18, ,000 cheaper. If you know these simple game mechanics, you can save a lot of money on buying a new skin that interests you.
And now look how the minimum Float looks like for «A little worn» and the maximum for «After field» for hypothetical AWP Jellyfish
Note — is Float 0.07, which is almost no different from «Factory», but you can significantly save on the price when buying
And here is its ugly sister:
Float, respectively, is 0.37.
At first glance, the values are very different, but the visual marks are minimal. However, the second skin is much darker, which is very noticeable in-game. And many people just want their guns to look bright, fresh and without possible scuff marks. On the other hand, an AWP with Float 0.37 will be much cheaper to buy, as we have repeatedly reminded you.
How to view Float in inventory
The built-in Steam functionality does not provide information about the wear rate and skin index. Therefore, a host of third-party marketplaces have been developed for this purpose, including CS GO Exchange. They are extremely easy to learn, and often only ask the user for a link to an account that has stuff from the shooter. No passwords, personal information, or other sensitive information.
The key condition — account must be public.
After entering the link to the profile — you upload it to the system, wait for initialization and see everything in your inventory. Here's a look at the PP-Bison After Field and his full stats:
.Here you can clearly see the quality and the much-needed Float. Yes, the rifle costs pennies, but you get the point. There are also various Chrome extensions that allow you to show wear directly through your Steam inventory, but we won't show them for one simple reason — account security is paramount.
Rare Float indicators
You've probably seen that some skins of non-Worn quality, or After Field cost much more than a similar model Straight from the factory. Why is that? Very rare Float indicator, which is visually unnoticeable, but extremely important for collectors and intermediaries engaged in buying/selling game values.
Take, for example, the Nova Modern Hunter shotgun, which is found with a Float value of 0.25000000000…
Interesting value for an armory. Such a one can be sold to a collector for much more than its standard market value. And all because there are no more than 40 such skins in the game. And we're not talking about shotguns, but all cold and firearms in principle. Imagine how valuable it is.
In total, there are three main anomalous values in the game with a mass of zeros:
Or let's look at the list of different skins with identical Float
What do you think of this picture? If you put together the entire collection — it can be sold for a very round sum. Although it's likely that such a set would be akin to winning the lottery. But this is not a program error, but really existing skins in CS GO, which many people will not even pay attention to.
.To summarize, Float affects, first of all, the value of game skins, determining their value on the trading floors. And if you know what's in your inventory, or on the account of someone you know, you can make good money on it, just by setting a goal.