What are binds for CS:GO

11 January 2021, 19:00

In this blog we will be looking at what binds are for CS:GO. Do they give benefits, do they affect buy speed, jump height, stat boosts and reaction accuracy. How a single bind can fundamentally change gameplay and adjust mouse sensitivity on the fly for instant turnaround. All of this we will try to understand very concisely, simply and understandable for beginners.

To begin with, let's understand what are useful bindings for CS:GO in principle. In brief — like macros bound to a certain key on the keyboard. Let's say you need to get and use an incendiary grenade as quickly as possible. To do this, open the console using «~» and type:

bind button «use weapon_incgrenade; use weapon_molotov» 

Quotes are not needed, and the button can be any button


On the mouse, on the keyboard, as long as it's comfortable. 

What are binds for CS:GO

Or an example with weapon purchase:

bind button «buy weapon name»

Quotation marks are mandatory here. Any Nub-block button can be inserted after Bind, and the list of guns is as follows:

  • USP-S (usp_silencer);

  • P2000 (hkp2000);

  • Glock (glock);

  • P250 (p250);

  • AUG (aug);

  • M4 (m4a1);

  • M4A1-S (m4a1_silencer);

  • AK47 (ak47);

  • AWP (awp);

The names in brackets are the names to be entered into the console.

For example, if you need a command for bind in CS:GO to buy M4A1-S via Delete, then you get the following: 

bind DEL «buy m4a1-silencer»

We hope you understand the principle. So let's move on.

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Changing Arms

In the game, you can change the position of the arms from left to right without much trouble. It's a matter of taste. But some people don't like this state of affairs because they are used to holding a gun in their right hand and a knife — in their left. Just for these cases and invented the bind for hands in CS:GO. To do this, type:

bind button «cl_righthand 0» — left hand.

bind button «cl_righthand 1» — right hand


What are binds for CS:GO 2

Voice chat 

Another useful command for those who hate loud and not the most adequate teammates. You can also disable the headphones, but then how do you listen for footsteps or try to determine enemy positioning? There is a much easier way — binds for CS:GO to chat. Open the console and write:

bind button «voice_enable 0» — disable voice.

bind button «voice_enable 1» — enable voice.

Extremely useful feature that is missing from the classic shortcut menu, and I wish I had.


By default,


in CS GO are displayed on the spacebar, but many people do not like this state of affairs. Want to fix it and bring the jump to the mouse wheel? There is a command for bind in CS:GO and in this case:


«MWHEELUP» «+jump» — scroll forward;

bind «MWHEELDOWN» «+jump» — scroll back.

You can also play with double jump, but the command here is more complicated. You need to enter in sequence:

alias +djump «+jump; +duck»

alias -djump «-jump; -duck»

bind «space» «+djump»

Why is this necessary? Confuse the enemy, climb a high fence, cross the map faster, and more. The main thing is — customization, and the principle of use you will choose yourself.

What are binds for CS:GO 3

Another feature — jump with simultaneous throwing of smoke grenades. It looks like this:

alias «+jumpthrow» «+jump;-attack»

alias «-jumpthrow» «-jump»

bind «button» «+jumpthrow»

Don't forget to save all commands in the cfg file located in the folder with the game:

Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg

You can read more about it, as well as about special binds for spreading grenades here.


In this article we will tell you in detail how to customize your console to make it easier to count damage and consider some parameters of the game.

Quick map cleanup

If you get carried away with automatic weapons drifting at enemies, you will quickly leave bullet and blood marks on the ground and walls. Not everyone likes them, so some crafty gamers have learned to create bindings to clear the map in CS:GO in parallel with the movement through the location. The recipe for success is as simple as possible — cleaning is hung on WASD:

bind «w» «+forward; r_cleardecals»

bind «a» «+moveleft; r_cleardecals»


«d» «+moveright; r_cleardecals»

bind «s» «+back; r_cleardecals»

As a result, the field of view and clogged with unnecessary textures, and players always clean up after themselves. A simple and ingenious solution that all PRO players recommend using. In addition, the FPS meter does not decrease from drawing a large number of dynamic elements on the map.

Learn to jump

Jumping — is a unique thing in the game, which came from the bearded CS 1.6. If you use terrain features wisely, you can jump into places that many people wouldn't even realize. Yes, campers are not loved by everyone, but sometimes it helps to snatch victory from your opponent. 

What are binds for CS:GO 4

To use the jump, first put the jump on the mouse wheel, as mentioned earlier. Next, write the following command in the console:

bind mwheelup +jump;bind mwheeldown +jump;bind space +jump

For the jump itself at the moment of jumping start streyfi left-right and turn the mouse to the necessary angle. If you get accustomed to this craft on private servers, and then also learn to use double jump, you can climb almost anywhere.

- Well, bindings in CS GO will be found for absolutely any situation. You can choose a key to increase your aim, increase enemy sound, decrease speed, instantly improve mouse sensitivity and more. On profile forums there is a ton of information on useful, cool and frankly cheater binds, but the administration of Lis-Skins.ru does not encourage such gameplay. 

Play honestly and honorably.

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