This isn't the first time the U.S. Army has shown interest in cybersports. The nation's Navy and cyber sports organization «Evil Geniuses» have entered into a partnership agreement. Based on the results, EG will be required to assist in the training of a team that will include members of the U.S. Navy.
It is planned that «Evil Geniuses» will offer a program of trials and qualifying competitions, based on the results of which the top five players will be selected. The format of the competition is still a matter of debate. It is planned that the new CS:GO team will be formed by September: the organizers plan to present it at the TwitchCon festival, which will be held in San Diego in the fall.
This is not the first step of the U.S. Navy in this direction: previously the Navy cooperated with the American cybersports organization «compLexity», and also acted as a sponsor of tournaments. As of 2019, the «US Navy Esports»club also performs . Although it has not yet achieved significant success in competition, U.S. Army officials believe its mere presence helps attract young people to the armed forces.